The Canberra Calligraphy Society was founded in 1986, when three friends gathered and called for people interested in calligraphy to come together. The Society was formed and since then has gone from strength to strength, maintaining a membership of roughly 60 calligraphy enthusiasts. In 2016 the Society celebrated its 30th anniversary and is looking forward to another exciting 30 years of calligraphy in Canberra. As ideas and techniques change the penmanship also evolves. Tutors for workshops are sourced from amongst our members, interstate and international calligraphers. A brief history of the Society can be found here.
Workshops are held once a month at the Urambi Village Community Hall in Crozier Circuit, Driveway B, Kambah, usually from 1 pm–4.30 pm on the 4th Sunday of every month, except December and January. Once or twice a year the Society organises weekend workshops with visiting tutors.
CCS members can access current and past newletters on the Members page.
We are excited to announce our new workshop booking system on Ticket Tailor. Tickets are now available for the February Workshop Mini tile books and non-conventional script with Angela Hillier. The ticketing system is very similar to other online ticket systems, just like buying a concert ticket or movie pass. We hope you find our new system easy to use and convenient. Please check the Workshops page for details. Please note that the fees have been revised to take into account the increase in workshop costs.
November Newsletter
The November 2024 newsletter is out now - please go to the Members Page to view online.
2025 CCS Memberships
CCS memberships are due 1 January 2025. For membership renewal, or if you wish to join as a new CCS member, please go to the Membership page.
Annual General Meeting 2024
The AGM was held on Sunday 22 September, in the Community Centre at Urambi Village, 81 Crozier Circuit, Kambah. The list of elected committee members for 2024-25 is on the Contact page.
CCS Exhibition 2024
Our annual exhibition, A Garden of Letters, was held at the Australian National Botanic Gardens gallery from the 8th of May until the 2nd of June. It was one of the most successful exhibitions the Society has held, with 20 exhibits sold. Pictures from the exhibition can be found at the CCS Exhibition 2024 page.
Calligraphy Classes
Ongoing calligraphy classes are are being held this year - please check the Calligraphy Classes page for details.
Payment and Refund Policy - Workshops
The Payment and Refund Policy has been updated and approved by the CCS Committee at the February 2022 meeting. Please read the revised policy in the Workshops page.