One of our members was lucky enough to attend a workshop by John Mathieson run by the Victorian Calligraphy Society. The workshop was entitled Travel Sketching. It is a workshop that proved to be very complimentary to calligraphy.Read on for Narelle Jones report.
In April I had the opportunity to participate in a 3-day workshop in Melbourne learning about Travel Sketching for use when keeping a travel diary. The workshop was presented by John Mathieson, a South Australian artist who teaches drawing and watercolour classes across Australia and New Zealand.
The aim of the workshop was to learn the essential skills for sketching in pen and watercolour so we could quickly and easily record holiday experiences while travelling. What a delight!!! We learnt about perspective, horizon lines, shadows and reflection as well as sketching people, chooks and sheeps. We sketched and painted a variety of photos presented to us and I was totally astounded to discover I had skills I never knew existed within me.
John was a fabulous teacher who encouraged and supported our efforts and certainly made us laugh all through my adventure into the world of travel diary sketching.
People's Choice continues at workshops
People's Choice Awards at the Workshops To be in the running to win a free Sunday afternoon workshop simply bring along a piece you created in the theme of the previous workshop to pin up on the Gallery wall. The artwork which collects the most votes at the workshop will's that simple!
Below is a small sample of pieces our members have worked on in recent workshops.